Thursday 17 February 2011

How to Remove Skin Moles - What 7 Methods Can Be Used in the Removal of Skin Moles?

How to Remove Skin Moles - What 7 Methods Can Be Used in the Removal of Skin Moles?

Skin moles are skin growths that may have a variety of colors, shapes and sizes. Although some may be regarded as beauty marks, many others are quite unsightly.

There are various methods that can help you remove skin moles.

• Excision - This is a skin moles removal surgical procedure where local anesthesia is usually administered prior to the treatment. This method can be of two types namely excision with stitches and excision with cauterization. In the case of excision with stitches the growth is physically cut completely out. Stitches are then applied. In the case of excision with cauterization the growth is burned by an appropriate tool. Generally stitches may not be applied in this case.

• Cryosurgery - Liquid nitrogen is circulated into a tool in order to bring its temperature to very low levels. The cells of the skin mole are destroyed by the very low temperatures. The growth dies because the cells burst off with the low temperatures and because the supply of blood to the cells of the growth is interrupted.

• Shave biopsy - This skin moles removal procedure can be applied in the case where the skin mole is above the surface of the skin. An instrument is used to remove the part of the growth that is above the skin level.

• Laser therapy - A concentrate beam of light is directed to the skin mole in order to destroy the cells its cells. Laser therapy may not be so efficient to treat growths that are deep inside the skin.

• Prescription medicine - Your physician may prescribe the appropriate medication depending on your particular case.

• Over the counter medication - Many of these medications are based on acids and therefore can cause a lot of scaring. Further more it is of the utmost important that the skin mole to be treated with over the counter medicine is not cancerous. If you are in doubt seek medical advice first. Never use over the counter medication on cancerous growths.

• Home treatment - Home treatments have been used for many years. These include the application of easily find ingredients such as garlic, baking soda, honey, cauliflower juice and other ingredients. It is very important that if you have a suspicious skin mole to seek medial advice immediately. Do not use any home treatment on cancerous growths.

All the above skin moles removal treatments have their advantages and disadvantages. The degree of scarring and healing time depends on many factors. Be well informed about all the characteristic and side effects of the treatments before undergoing any skin moles removal procedure.

Visit or Youtube Channel – Mole, Warts & Skin Tag Removal

How to Prevent a Skin Mole From Coming Back After Removal

How to Prevent a Skin Mole From Coming Back After Removal

Skin Moles do not usually come back once they have been removed. However sometimes in certain cases a skin mole may re-occur.
There are a few things you can do to try to prevent that the skin moles do not come back after removal. First it is important to heed all the advice given by your physician. It may also help however if you nurture good habits. Off course there is not a 100% formula but doing you part may help a lot.
Skin Moles have been linked to direct and indirect sunlight. Take precautions whenever you go outside, whether for a short or prolonged period. Not only does sunlight may cause skin moles, but it can increase wrinkles and other signs of aging.
The sun shines down two different types of rays. These are ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B. Both kinds are harmful to the skin and can eventually cause cancer. Tanning bends typically use ultraviolet A rays. Though these take a bit longer to do their damage, they are nonetheless harmful.
Many people associate sun damage with the summer time. However, winter sunlight can be just as dangerous. If you have ever seen someone who skis or spends time outside during the winter, you know this can be true. When there is snow on the ground, the sun's rays can reflect off of the sun causing even more damage.
When one is in the water, it reduces the sun's rays slightly. However, the protection you get is not nearly significant enough to justify no other methods of protection. Sand and water, like snow, can reflect the rays and cause more damage.
The sunlight can get to your skin through clouds and even a few feet of water. In fact, up to 80% of the sun's rays can get through clouds or water.
Since water can wash off or render sunscreen completely ineffective, it is imperative that sunscreen is applied very often. In addition, you can minimize your exposure to harmful rays by carefully planning your activities. Between 10:00 in the morning and 3:00 in the afternoon, the sun is at its strongest. Clouds or an overcast day offer no protection against these rays.
Shade can save you a lot of exposure without hampering your activities. Consider planning your activities around some natural shade or an umbrella. Covering your skin will also protect you from the sun's harm. Large hats can protect your head and neck. Long sleeves and long plants are a very effective barrier as well. Consider a light and flowing fabric to deal with the heat.
When purchasing sunglasses, look for those that are designed to block against harmful rays. Many inexpensive pairs offer no UV ray protection whatsoever. Sunglasses that do protect against these rays should have a label or some other indicator that they do protect against these rays.
As mentioned earlier, diligent application of sunscreen can protect your skin against both types of harmful rays. You should seek a sunscreen that is at least SPF 30. (For those of you that have wondered, SPF stands for sun protective factor).
Do not be stingy with the sunscreen and do not be afraid to reapply often. It is rendered ineffective after some heavy sun exposure and can easily wash off in the pool or even be washed off by sweat. A good general rule is to reapply sunscreen once an hour if you are swimming or working heavily outside.
The sun can penetrate clothing, so try to take a two-pronged defense by wearing protective clothing and utilizing sunscreen. Clothing that has a very tight weave is more protective that stretchy or elastic clothing.
The sun is extremely harmful to children and most of us make sure to lair our children in sunscreen. But never forget your own skin protection as well, no matter what your age, the sun can be very harmful.
Visit or Youtube Channel – Mole, Warts & Skin Tag Removal

How Do You Get Warts?

You can get warts by being infected by the human papilloma virus or HPV. A wart is in reality a non-cancerous growth caused by an infection by this type of virus.
There are many strains of the human papilloma virus and some of these types cause different type of warts. This virus is contagious and it can enter into your body from small cuts or scratches on your skin as well as by other ways.
There are many ways where you can get warts by being contaminated by HPV. In fact you can get them by:
• Direct contact with a wart of another person
• Direct contact with another person who is a carrier of the virus
• Using object that has been touched by another person that has the virus
• Sexual activity
• Frequenting certain places where the HPV dwells
Direct contact with the wart of another person may transfer the virus to your body. This is more frequent in children and adolescents than in adults. While children are playing football or other sports that require physical contact it is quite easy that they pass the virus by unconsciously touching the warts of other individuals.
It is also important to be aware that an individual may have the virus even if no type of growth has developed. This is because the virus not always develops into any type of growth. So an individual may transmit the virus without having developed any growth himself. However the individual that has been contaminated may develop the wart.
You can get warts by touching objects that had been touched by other individuals that carry the virus. This includes such objects as towels and shoes.
Some strains of this virus are responsible for genital warts. This strain may be transmitted during sexual activity.
The HPV can be found in many places and so you can get it from those places as well. Viruses have a tendency to remain dormant but alive for several months or even years when they are outside the body. They may start to multiply and increase their activity when they are in a body.
The human papilloma virus can be found in moist and warm places. It may lie on the floors of swimming pools, bathrooms, showers, gyms and locker rooms. So walking bare footed in these places increases the chances that you can get the virus through a small cut or scratch in you feet or other parts of your body.
If you are contaminated with the virus you can contaminate other areas of you body as well. This occurs by scratching your wart and touching other areas of your body. Children are particular known to have this type of habits.
Visit or Youtube Channel – Mole, Warts & Skin Tag Removal

Get Rid of Face Warts But Beware of That Scar!

Get Rid of Face Warts But Beware of That Scar!

Warts on the face are small, rough and raised bumps on the face. They are both quite common and harmless. The only problem usually relates to aesthetic reasons. It is a fact that no one likes to have these 'horrible creatures' on one's face.
The warts on the face have a tendency to group in clusters. Sometimes these clusters may grow up to 100 warts, but usually the clusters are much smaller. They are generally of two types: flat warts or common warts.
Children have the tendency to have more warts on the face than other individuals. This may be in part because their immune system is less strong than that of adults. The immune system helps to fight viruses and bacteria. Facial warts are in fact a viral infection caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV. The HPV is contagious and enters from cuts or scratches in the skin.
You can get rid of face warts by various methods. They range from surgical procedures, over the counter treatments and home treatments.
Surgical procedures such as cryosurgery, laser therapy and electosurgery need to be done by a professional physician. They are quite painful and the healing process may take some time. You may also have to go for more than one visit to treat the same wart.
Further more they may leave a scar. This is a very negative aspect. Remember that you are treating the face and any scar left is as ugly as the removed wart, and it is very noticeable!
Because of these and other problems, it is debatable if such wart removal methods are practical to treat children.
Other types of treatments involve over the counter medicine such as creams, and gels.
There are also various home treatments such as using duct tape, garlic, vinegar and other home methods that have been used for many years.
At all times keep it always in mind that here you are treating the face. Some of the over the counter and home wart removal methods may be quite acidic and may leave a scar. Although they may be adequate to treat other type of warts such as foot warts, they may not be adequate to treat the face. A little scar under your foot is seldom visible.
It is a very different story if you have a scar or scars on your face. Be well informed about any method you use and its side effects. If you are in doubt seek a second opinion. Do not leave anything to chance.
Remember that although you can get rid of face warts by various methods, remember also that the large majority of warts on the face will go away by themselves, although this may take several months or a few years.
Visit or Youtube Channel – Mole, Warts & Skin Tag Removal

Foot Wart Treatment - 6 Foot Wart Removal Procedures

Foot Wart Treatment - 6 Foot Wart Removal Procedures

Foot warts can be treated by various foot wart removal procedures such as:
- Cryosurgery
- Laser therapy
- Electrosurgery
- Salicylic acid
- Duct tape
- Home treatment for warts
Cryosurgery - This is a foot wart treatment that kills warts by means of very low temperatures. Your growth is touched by an instrument and this freezes and kills it.
Electrosurgery - This type of foot wart removal method uses electricity to burn your growth. It is touched by a needle heated by an electric current and this kills the wart's cells.
Laser therapy is a type of foot wart treatment that uses a high-energy beam of light in order to burn your growth.
Cryosurgery, Elecrosurgery and laser therapy need to be done by a professional physician. Anesthesia may also be administered. These methods may cause scaring.
Salicylic acid - This over the counter wart removal medication has been widely used in the treatment of many type of growths. Salicylic acid irritates the growth so that the immune system gets rid of the outer layer of the skin and so of the wart itself.
Salicylic acid needs to be administered for many weeks or months for some result. It may also irritate or scare your healthy skin. Further more read the instructions carefully before using this over the counter removal medication or better still consult your physician.
Duct tape - This removal method uses a duct tape and a pumice stone to irritate your growth and so the immune system will hopefully get rid of your growth. Irritation and scarring may also occur.
Home treatment for warts - These involve various types of foot wart treatment involving ready available ingredients such as vinegar, garlic and many other ingredients.

Visit Our Youtube Channel - TotalMoleRemoval

Flat Warts Treatment - What Are the 3 Main Categories of Removal Methods

Flat Warts Treatment - What Are the 3 Main Categories of Removal Methods

There are basically three flat wart removal categories that may help you remove your flat warts:
• Over the counter wart removal medicine
• Surgical flat warts treatment and professional help
• Alternative and home treatments for warts
There are various types of over the counter wart removal medicine that can help you to treat your flat warts. These came in many forms such as lotions, creams. patches and drugs. Some of these medications may be quite acidic and may also destroy your healthy skin.
Treating flat warts by over the counter medications may take several weeks or months. This may also involve a lot of commitment from your own part.
You may also consider professional help. For many individuals this usually happens after repeated setbacks using over the counter wart removal treatments.
Your physician may prescribe powerful drugs that can help you to cure your flat warts.
You may also consider surgery as a flat wart removal method. There are basically 3 types of surgery that can be used:
Cryosurgery - This involves the use of an instrument to freeze your flat warts. Cryosurgery is used to treat many other types of warts as well.
This flat warts treatment is even being used in the treatments of some cancers.
Electrosurgery - This involves the use of heat that is produced from an electric current to kill your warts.
Laser therapy - This involves the use of a laser to kill your warts.
For the above types of surgical flat wart removal methods you may be given numbing agents. You may have some discomforts both during and after the treatment. This will depend on various factors.
Not all the types of treatment mentioned above is adequate to treat you flat warts. You should discuss your situation with your physician.
Alternative and home treatments for warts may also be used. These methods have been used for many years. These may include the use of vinegar, garlic and other ingredients. Some of these methods are an effective flats wart cure.
Visit Our Youtube Channel - TotalMoleRemoval

Filiform Warts - What Are the Characteristics of These Types of Warts?

Filiform Warts - What Are the Characteristics of These Types of Warts?

Filiform warts are long and narrow rapid growing tumors of the outer skin layer. These tumors are however non-cancerous and so pose no real danger. Filiform warts are usually finger-like shaped and project themselves from the skin. They can more easily be found in certain areas such as on the:

• Face
• Eyelid
• Nose
• Lips
• Chin
• Neck

They are more common in elder children than any other age group. They may sometimes itch or even bleed when they become irritated. This usually happens when they are intentionally scratched or when they are accidentally rubbed against clothing.

In certain areas where they may be easily hit, they may create some discomforts and be a problem.

A filiform wart is caused by a viral infection. This viral infection is caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV for brevity.

A filiform wart is contagious. It may be transmitted:

• From an area to another area of the same body
• Directly From an individual to an individual
• Indirectly from an individual to another individual

Transmission form an area to another area of the same body can occur when the individual scratches the filfiorm wart and touches other parts of the body. This may transmit the HPV, resulting in another growth in other areas.

Direct contact with another individual may result is transmission of the virus. This occurs when another wart of another individual is touched. This many easily happen in children when they are playing team games such as football or basketball.

Touching an object touched by another person can also result in contamination. This may happen when individuals use the same towel to dry their faces. The HPV may be transferred from the face of another individual to another resulting in a filiform wart.

Filiform warts generally go away by themselves after several months or a few years.

However since they more generally occur on visible areas of the individual, they may create some discomforts relating to the aesthetic aspect. In view of this one may consider treatment.

Visit Our Youtube Channel - TotalMoleRemoval